Infrequent syllables of Cantonese
Going through the syllable set of Cantonese, especially for the LSHK's (Linguistic Society of Hong Kong) romanisation Jyutping and the Cantonese Yale romanisation system's equivalents I came across a few infrequent syllables that would be referenced in a few works, but whose finals not be covered in the list provided on the LSHK's website.
These syllables show up in the list of Cantonese syllables that I already provided in the Jyutping syllable table. Thus they are covered in the Unihan database and partially in the syllabary provided by the Research Centre for Humanities Computing of the Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH), Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
In the following I will give a list of syllables whose finals are not covered in the LSHK list. I will add all characters provided by the Unihan database for these pronunciations together with a proposed IPA pronunciation using the English Wikipedia [1] and the book Stephen Matthews, Virginia Yip: Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar. Routledge, 1994, ISBN 978-0-415-08945-6. [2] as sources. Additionaly I'll mention "similar pronunciations" and others also supplied by the Unihan database.
deu6: 掉 and 調
- according to [1] deu would stand for /tɛːu/, following [2] would maybe suggest /tɛːw/ or /tew/
- both have the similar pronunciation diu6
gep1, kep1: 喼, gep6: 夾
- using [2] would be /kɛːp/ /kʰɛːp/
- both have the similar pronunciations gip1, kip1 or gip6, respectively, 夾 furthermore has gap3 and gaap3
lem2: 舐
- using [2] would be /lɛːm/
- has similar pronunciation lim2
loei6: 唳 and 捩
- [2] would maybe suggest /lœːj/ or /lœːɥ/
- have similar/other pronunciations leoi6 and lai6/lit6, respectively
loet3: 㖀
- using [2] would be /lœːt/
- has other pronunciations laak6 and lak6
om1: 媕
- using [2] would be /ɔːm/
- has similar pronunciation am1
pet1: 噼, pet6: 噼坺
- using [2] would be /pʰɛːt/
- have similar/other pronuciations pek1 and paat6, respectively