Cjklib 0.3 Release Announcement
Submitted by Christoph on 10 May, 2010 - 13:13New release of cjklib with dictionary support
We would like to announce the new 0.3 release of cjklib, a Python-based programming library providing higher-level support of Chinese characters, also called Han characters.
Detecting Code-Switch Events Based on Textual Features
Submitted by Christoph on 29 April, 2010 - 17:58My thesis is finally printed and now also available as PDF. It is called Detecting Code-Switch Events Based on Textual Features and focuses on the detection of Code-Switching between English and Mandarin Chinese. I already found a typo, but I'd keep it with the Latin proverb, errare humanum est :)
A technical post on transliterations
Submitted by Christoph on 17 March, 2010 - 14:32This blog entry provides a nice mix of transliterations, C++, cjklib, ICU and language bindings in Python.
Collaborative Work and Openness
Submitted by Christoph on 11 January, 2010 - 22:22I hope you forgive me for letting this blog start with a rant into the new year. But this topic actually has bothered me for some time now, so I'll hope you will bear with me.
Submitted by Christoph on 3 December, 2009 - 23:38So it is official. I graduated and can now call myself a "Dipl. Inform.", the German equivalence to a Master in Computer Science (and the minimum grade admitting you to a Ph.D. in CS). While my University (that is Karlsruhe) still keeps me busy with slight corrections of my final thesis, I at least can slowly set my mind on new things.