Tomoe for Debian
Submitted by Christoph on 11 February, 2009 - 04:47Tomoe is a handwriting recognition engine for Japanese Kanji and Chinese Hanzi. It is written in C for the Gtk library and includes Ruby and Python bindings.
Chinese on Linux sucks
Submitted by Christoph on 23 October, 2008 - 16:38This is a rant but at the same time can serve as a future reference on this topic:
Using Chinese input methods (IME) for writing Chinese on Linux sucks. For years now keys would be suddenly swallowed so no input was possible for any application requiring a restart of the window session. This is very embarrassing and not reasonable in 2008.
Debian package for id3encodingconverter
Submitted by Christoph on 15 April, 2008 - 02:11Just finished the debian package for id3encodingconverter. First Debian package at all.
I used the following steps to create the package:
OpenSync with Sony Erricson T630
Submitted by Christoph on 2 February, 2007 - 19:30I had to synchronise a T630 with OpenSync [1] and couldn't really finish the job unless I did find out, that the phone doesn't like syncing some stuff. Now I omit syncing "Events" and "Notes":
mysnctool -sync setupname --filter-objtype note --filter-objtype event
XML-schema parser for Debian
Submitted by Christoph on 2 February, 2007 - 19:19Sometimes all you need is somebody pointing you to the stuff you were already looking for. So I wanna pass this on, and hope to help somebody else. Hopefully now you can google for "Debian XSD XML schema parser" and find this quick note:
Debian has a package called "libxml2-utils" that includes xmllint [1] which can already parse XML-schemas for some time now. As the whole world seems to use DTD, I nearly gave up on finding this tool. But here it is! Now you can parse your XSD-file with