Locale magic (literally)
Submitted by Christoph on 9 August, 2009 - 13:42Another programming-centric post and follow-up on Thursday's post about locale issues with Turkish.
So, I showed some Problems with locale-dependant mappings using the case of Turkish, that mapps small Latin character i to uppercase İ, which also has a dot on top. Now join me on some more magic. On Unix you need to have the proper locale generated, which under debian works with dpkg-reconfigure locales
Python, Unicode and the digital divide
Submitted by Christoph on 6 August, 2009 - 14:12One could say that Unicode is the reflection of globalization in computing. So, being a computer scientist this huge project very much gets my attention and fascinates me on a daily basis. And Unicode is not just a feature, it is a foundation that bridges between languages and cultures in the digital world.
Followup on "Python doctest and Unicode"
Submitted by Christoph on 21 July, 2009 - 12:05I complained about Python doctest and Unicode some time ago. This was an itch I finally wanted to scratch, so I followed the popular saying: "Luke, read the source".
Turns out the error in question is fixed pretty easily. Python needs to properly encode the output, so a conversion to the output stream's encoding did the trick. Now a new issue came up.
(Natural) language in the world of programming
Submitted by Christoph on 20 June, 2009 - 18:15When it comes to writing code, directives and commands are dictated by the programming language (e.g. if ... then ... else
), which then is for most programming languages English[1], but when it comes to writing comments the programmer is free to choose which language he uses.
Simple image segmenter in Python
So I was looking for a simple segmenter to break down images containing several tiles into single pieces. I decided to write one myself, so here it is. comes with a help page (python --help) which explains the parameters in short. Most important segmentation can be done either by using a window or by looking for whitespaces in the image. Giving the width/height ratio or more specifically the tilesize makes guessing more accurate by discarding solutions that don't fit the given sizes. Furthermore by selecting equaltiles the segmenter will try to find a segmenting solution that results in having exact same size tiles. This can even improve segmentation results.