Collaborative Work and Openness
Submitted by Christoph on 11 January, 2010 - 22:22I hope you forgive me for letting this blog start with a rant into the new year. But this topic actually has bothered me for some time now, so I'll hope you will bear with me.
Xiao'erjing in cjklib?
Submitted by Christoph on 10 July, 2009 - 09:41Xiao'erjing is a way of writing Chinese in Arabic script. Basically it is a transcription similar to Pinyin used by people with knowledge of the Arabic script to denote the sounds of Mandarin or another "dialect". It is written from right to left (RTL).
Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Xiao'erjing: 人人生而自由…
Moving from Tomoe to Tegaki
Submitted by Christoph on 2 June, 2009 - 19:08[img_assist|nid=199|title=Eclectus screenshot showing handwriting box|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=55|height=100]This morning I told Eclectus how to use Tegaki, the successor of Tomoe in handwriting recognition of Chinese characters (including Kanji). Motivated by Tegaki moving into Debian in the past few days, and Tomoe being only available in openSUSE but not in Debian or Ubuntu, I changed Eclectus' handwriting widget to support either of them, prefering now Tegaki. The diff is relatively small (1), hopefully we can totally drop Tomoe in the future making the code cleaner.
Tomoe handwriting widget for PyQt
Submitted by Christoph on 11 February, 2009 - 04:58Having built Tomoe for Debian I was ready to go to develop a nice widget implementing the basic features of Tomoe giving you the TomoeHandwritingWidget.
Tomoe for Debian
Submitted by Christoph on 11 February, 2009 - 04:47Tomoe is a handwriting recognition engine for Japanese Kanji and Chinese Hanzi. It is written in C for the Gtk library and includes Ruby and Python bindings.