October 2009
Stroke recognition with Tegaki
Submitted by Christoph on 24 October, 2009 - 19:34Recognizing basic strokes in handwriting
Submitted by Christoph on 21 October, 2009 - 23:57
Just recently this blog has seen a post about Tegaki. It's a handwriting recognition system for Chinese Characters/Kanji, and I tried a bootstrapping process for a missing model of Traditional Chinese. Yesterday I started to think about other possibilities of Tegaki and wanted to try recognizing single strokes.
8 strokes of 永
Submitted by Christoph on 21 October, 2009 - 23:32
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 License and comes from Wikimedia Commons.
Cjklib 0.2 Release Announcement
Submitted by Christoph on 19 October, 2009 - 12:55First stable version of cjklib released.
October 19th, 2009
We would like to announce the first stable release of cjklib, a new Python-based programming library providing higher-level support of Chinese characters, also called Han characters.
API documentation for cjklib
Submitted by Christoph on 17 October, 2009 - 22:47Bootstrapping Tegaki handwriting models using character decomposition
Submitted by Christoph on 7 October, 2009 - 13:28
Just yesterday, I committed a new list of character decompositions to cjklib, that was gratefully released under LGPL by Gavin Grover. While until now the about 500 entries served more as a proof of concept, we now have more than 20.000 decompositions spanning the most important characters as encoded by Unicode.
So I wanted to do something nice with this new set of data. I picked the Tegaki project which offers handwriting recognition for Kanji and Hanzi, the latter for Simplified Chinese. I remember showing off the Qt widget I developed to a friend, who then promptly drew a Traditional Chinese character that couldn't be recognized. That was of course because Tegaki (and back then Tomoe) doesn't support Traditional Chinese. Until now.
Blog moved
Submitted by Christoph on 3 October, 2009 - 20:09This blog has moved permanently to cburgmer.nfshost.com. If you still reach this site via www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uyhc then please update your bookmarks.