New ISO 639 codes

I updated the ISO 639 codes in the local database as SIL published a new revision of codes on the 14th of January. The Library of Congress made a change to ISO 639-2 on December the 17th, so all tables have been updated now.

The table for ISO 639-3 code retirements SIL gives right now is too restrictive on the column Ret_Remedy, as it surpasses 200 characters in data. I had to fix that on importing.

CREATE TABLE ISO_639_3_Retirements (
   Id          char(3)      NOT NULL,   -- The three-letter 639-3 identifier
   Ret_Reason  char(1)      NOT NULL,   -- code for retirement: C (change),
                                        -- D (duplicate), N (non-existent),
                                        -- S (split), M (merge)
   Change_To   char(3)      NULL,       -- in the cases of C, D, and M, the
                                        -- identifier to which all instances
                                        -- of this Id should be changed
   Ret_Remedy  varchar(255) NOT NULL,   -- The instructions for updating an
                                        -- instance of the retired (split)
                                        -- identifier
   Effective   date         NOT NULL,   -- The date the retirement became
                                        -- effective
Furthermore what I might have missed last time was that in the SQL dump given I had to remove some more stuff as MySQL 4 doesn't know about it: cat iso639codes_clean.sql | grep -v "character_set_client" Finally now these are the local versions:

Versions of tables:
